Sunday, December 1, 2019

Opportunity  of  a  Lifetime

"If window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shades"

By Tom Peters (American writer on business management)

"Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them"

By William Arthur Ward (writer of inspirational maxims)

For the last couple of years we have been hearing in the media that this bull market is about to end.  It's been going on for 10 years now.  For someone who keeps feelings aside and who keenly reads the stock and indexes chart, one thing that stands out is that the market continues to grind higher.  Since mid February of 2016 when the new bull market started, $QQQ  is  +69%  in the last 33 months.  That works out to be  +2.09%  per month (25% annual return).  Currently  $QQQ  is  +33%  year to date and we are heading into the best month of the year.  It would not surprise me at all if 2019 ends up with  +40%  for  $QQQ.  Picture is worth a 1,000 words and stock and index charts tells you everything you need to know.  Opinions of the self proclaimed GURUS of the market and hedge fund managers who express their opinions means diddly squat.  Market never cares about anyone's opinion.

I had written a post on November 10th with a heading  "You SNOOZE ... you LOOSE".  In that post I had highlighted some of my reasons as to why we may be heading into a 17 to 19 year cycle of secular bull market that started in March of 2009.  Baby boomers were the drivers of the market from 1984 to 2000.  $SPY  had gained  +813%  when the baby boomers reached their peak earning years.  Subsequently the market corrected  -49.2%  in 2000 dot com bubble.  We now have over 100 million millenials who will be at their peak earning years in the next 12 to 15 years when they reach 54 years of age.  Demographics is an important component of the market that we often overlook.

For the last 6 weeks, all the 3 major indexes - $DJI, $SPY and $QQQ  are trending just above the 10 day sma(simple moving average) in a very orderly fashion without much of a hiccup.  Distribution count stands at just 3 for the $SPY and 3 for the $NASDAQ.  Market looks very healthy with the unemployment hovering below 3.6%.  New home sales report posted last Friday indicated the best 2 months in the last 12 years.  Inspite of the tariff wars with Europe, China, Mexico, Japan and Canada, US economy is humming along.  $SPY is  +25.3% year to date and the $NASDAQ is  +30.6%.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holidays with the family and friends.  Living in Florida this happens to be the best times with cool crisp dry air and pleasant temps with 70's at daytime and 50's at night.  Thanksgiving weekend is the start of the festivities of the year end holidays.  I would like to wish everyone a joyous time for the next 4 weeks.  I am including a link for you to enjoy the hymn of:

  'O Holy Night'
By Kerrie Roberts


Happy Trading!


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