Sunday, March 11, 2018

How  To  Out  Perform  The  Market

The rules are very simple. 

IBD (Investors Business Daily) has shown that growth stocks tend to perform 2 to 2 and 1/2 times better than the overall performance of the market using  $SPY  as a barometer of the market performance.  If you follow their system of CANSLIM trading, it will consistently help you outperform and profit in the market.  The system may seem counter intuitive to conventional wisdom that the hedge funds and money mangers preach on wall street.  IBD system says:

  1. Buy  "High and Sell Higher."
  2. Do not fall into the trap of  "Buying the Dips."
  3. Buy only the  "Best of the Best Stocks in the Leading Sector."
  4. Stay in tune with the market and buy stocks during  "Confirmed Uptrend"
  5. Always buy something on a  "Follow Thru"  day. 

We had a  "Follow Thru"  day on Feb 14th (Valentines Day).  I had identified  $ABMD  as a good growth stock candidate.  It appeared on my scans while I was going through my weekend routine of building  My Stock Watch List  for that week.  Market was in correction at that time and that is the time to be diligent with your weekly routine.   

Details  of  $ABMD  Trade

Market was in correction on Thursday Feb 8th and  $SPY, $QQQ  and  $DJI  had all sliced down below the 50 day sma(simple moving average) and all the way down to the 100 day sma.  $ABMD on the other hand was still trading at the 21 day ema(exponential moving average).  This was a confirmation signal that the institutions were not willing to give up on this stock.  My analysis showed that this was one of the leading stocks in the leading sector.  Market began to rally for 3 days in a row and valentines day was the 4th day of the rally.  $ABMD  was being accumulated by the institutions just as soon as the market opened.  $QQQ, the leading index also began to surge as well.  All signs indicated that we would have a  "Follow Thru"  day if this momentum kept up and it certainly did.  Lots of technology stocks were also breaking out on this day too.  Following is a brief scenario of how this stock was handled:   
  • $ABMD  surged  +300%  in volume on valentines day.  That's a confirmation of a successful break out.
  • My Trade Plan for initial profit exit and loss exit was highlighted in my blog post on valentines day when we had a  "Follow Thru"  day.
  • Initial position was filled at  $245  during the first hour of trading on the 4th day of the rally.  This was an early buy point ( 4%  below the ideal buy point).
  • Follow up position was added the very next day at open at precisely the resistance line of  $255.42.
  • Resistance was at  $255.42   and an ideal buy point according to IBD rules would be  $255.52  - 10 cents above the resistance. 
  • Both the positions were filled precisely according to My Trade Plan.  This allowed me plenty of cushion should the market falter.  
  • While the market was retracing last week,  $ABMD  kept up its momentum and began trading closer to the 8 day ema.  It was performing better than the overall market.
Currently, both the positions are are showing the following profits:

1. First position at  $245 (early buy point) is  +20%  in 3 weeks.
2. Second position bought the very next day at open  at  $255.42  is  +15%  in 3 weeks.
3. Both positions combined  is  + 17.5%  on average in 3 weeks.
4. $QQQ  which is the leading index is  +6.44%   in the same time period.  

$ABMD  has performed  +2.72  times the leading index.  All this was possible because I followed the IBD principles of investing.

Mentoring  Program

Were you panicking last week when the market was correcting?  Do you know how you can  Time the market?
 Did you have a strong watch list to select stocks to buy when the market indicated a  "Follow Thru"  day. 
If you are feeling sick to your stomach with the train wreck we had faced in January, than you need to make a commitment  NOW  to learn:

  • How to  TIME  the Market?
  • How to find the  Winning Growth Stocks?
  • How to  Buy the Stocks Right?
  • How to  Plan your Trade for Profit, Loss and Time in the trade?
  • How to  Sell your Stock Right?

I shall be opening up a very limited number of slots for mentoring in March.  Schedule a FREE 30 minutes of  "Discovery Call"   with us and see how best we can help you become a consistent and a profitable trader and an investor in 2018.  Don't procrastinate and pass up the opportunity of making a difference in your portfolio.  Start out the new year with a resolution to invest in your education.

Contact us at: 

Happy Trading!


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